Saturday, November 18, 2017

November 18, 1929 Chickens, Again

In the Spring of the year Dewitt would make notes about work done in preparation for the arrival of the new baby chicks. [May 13]
In the fall there would be comments about selling off the old chickens, cleaning up the hen house and putting chickens in for the winter. Some chores didn’t change between 1929 and 1979.
November 24 and 25, 1969 Leland took some feed to town for mash for chicks. I am taking down fence around brooder house and range shelter. Cleaned out the brooder house and range shelter.
November 13, 1978 Cleaning out the hen houses, getting ready to put the pullets in for the winter.
November 29, 1979 We put 93 of the pullets in for the winter early this morning. We have 60 to go in the brooder house. Cleaned out the manure from the range shelter and brooder house and under the barn where some of the pullets are going.
Dewitt’s Diary, Monday, November 18, 1929
Began to rain late yesterday and rain some all night and today.
I worked around home all day.
Strong south wind all day.

We put Rhode Island Reds in the hen house tonight

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