Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23, 2017 Thanksgiving

As this Bicentennial year closes in on December and the end of the project, it seemed right that one day should be recorded in 2017. In addition, that day should also encompass all the years. What better day than Thanksgiving!
Unlike other holidays the actual date floats from year to year. After a few years of moving between “last Thursday in November” to “third Thursday” (1939-40), in 1942 Congress set the date as the fourth Thursday in November. It was a compromise between the last week and those wanting a longer shopping period.
As we reflect on the meaning of Thanksgiving, and enjoy being with family and friends, herewith a few of the gleanings from Dewitt’s Diaries over the years for Thanksgiving Day.
Thursday, November 30, 1922 [the last Thursday of the month]
Edna, Leland and I went down to Mother’s today. Had a big dinner.
Myron and Maggie and Aunt Frank and the children were there too.
Lem came home from Rochester Wednesday. He has about 5 more weeks in the RBI. (Rochester Business Institute)
Thursday, November 22, 1945 Thanksgiving Day
A nice day for Thanksgiving Day. Edna had a 16-pound turkey.
Edna’s folks were over, Mother was up. Lem and Pete were here and family.
It really was something to celebrate to have Leland home after three years.
Thursday, November 23, 1950 Thanksgiving Day
We started for Lem’s in Rochester at 8:15 and arrived at 10:05.
Had a good dinner. Watched football on Lem’s new television set.
Sun was out some. Also a few snowflakes. Ground was white near home when we got here at 6:30.

Dewitt’s Diary, Thursday, November 23, 1972 [Tampa, Florida]
Temperature 48, partly cloudy, cool north wind.
Howard took mom and I out to the Tampa airport. This is the most modern airport and busiest in the US. Saw several planes come in and land just while we were there this morning.
Had turkey for dinner, a good dinner. I took a walk after dinner.
Sun tried to come out but hardly any sun all day. Cloudy tonight, temperature 54.
Talked with Leland tonight. Everything cool up there. Temperature 30 today and about 2 inches of snow on the ground at home.

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