Sunday, November 26, 2017

November 26, 1860 Two Cemeteries Join to Form One

In 1847 New York State legislation was passed allowing the creation of Cemetery Associations. Two were created in Farmerville, now Interlaken. One was associated with the Baptist Church and called the South Cemetery Association. Their lands were adjacent to the church building.
The second, called the North Cemetery Association was affiliated with the Reformed Dutch Church. In earlier years the church had burials on the church grounds, but with the move to an association cemetery, they had purchased lands from Abram Ditmars, north of the village on the road to Morehouse Landing, now Interlaken Beach.
Within a few years, these new associations realized they needed to work together for the good of all. What is unique about these early years is that two sets of records still exist to assist in understanding what was happening. The land records for all the purchases and sales of land are recorded at the Seneca County Clerk’s office. The second set are the original handwritten minutes of the meetings. The minutes start in 1847 for the South Cemetery Association.

“At a meeting of the officers of the North and South Cemetery Associations of Farmerville at the Consistory Room of the R D Church, Nov 26, 1860 to take in consideration the subject of consolidating the two cemetaries [sic] in one. John Boorom Esq was appointed chairman and James C. Knight Secy.
Two resolutions were introduced at the meeting.
Scan of the original Lake View Cemetery Minute Books.
Lake View Cemetery of Interlaken
“It was Resolved, the south purchase two acres more land & pay for the same, adjoining the North, on the west & north of the same. Individuals owning lots in the south may take as many in said purchase of same size.”
The second was introduced after a discussion of moving the existing fences at the cemetery. “Resolved that we will purchase 2 to 2 ½ acres more land than the above named if the people of this vicinity will subscribe a sufficient amount to pay the same.”
After several postponements due to lack of sufficient members present, the consolidation took place and the first board of trustees were elected. The name of the new cemetery was “Farmerville Union Cemetery.” [July 1, 1861 minutes]
Following the consolidation, and lot purchases by families with burials at the former South Cemetery Association, bodies and/or headstones were moved to the consolidated cemetery grounds. Existing burials considered potentially dangerous from the known cause of death were not moved, but the headstones were relocated. In the case of families who had moved away from the area, headstones and burials were located in the “free ground” near the center of the cemetery.
March 6, 1876, at the annual meeting, “The Resolution changing the name of this association be changed from Farmerville Union Cemetery to Lake View Cemetery be taken up for its final passage after it being duly considered it was unanimously adopted.”
The name would be changed one last time in 1905 with the change from Lake View Cemetery of Farmer to Lake View Cemetery of Interlaken.
For more on Lake View Cemetery of Interlaken please see

Dewitt’s Diary November 26, 1934 to 1936
Monday, November 26, 1934
Plowed some this morning.
Strong South wind all day.
Tuesday, November 26, 1935
Did not draw manure today.
Thursday, November 26, 1936 [Thanksgiving Day]
Went down to Mothers for dinner today. All the boys were home.
Pete and Marion from Buffalo and Lem and Alice from Rochester.
Cornell lost to Penn today in their annual football game. 14 to 6 was the score.

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