Tuesday, November 14, 2017

November 14, 1945 Leland Returns Home

Dewitt’s diary entry for this date tells the complete story of three long years. 
See also   March 21, 1944, Letter from Leland; and  June 6, D-Day

Dewitt’s Diary, Wednesday, November 14, 1945
We had a big surprise this morning. Leland came on the train at about 10 o'clock direct from N.Y.
I was surprised when Edna brought him up. I was up on North porch shingling when he got out of my car.
Gone three years and 4 days. Nov 10, 42, Nov 14, 45.

Leland Bassette during his service in North Africa.
Dewitt C. Bassette Jr. family paper collection,
Interlaken Historical Society

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