Saturday, May 13, 2017

May 13, 1965 Little Chicks

As I read through Dewitt’s Diaries, one sure sign that Spring had arrived were the entries relating to the new little chicks. Dewitt would comment on the “to-do” list to get ready for them and then usually announce their arrival, how many and, often, the breed.
A few entries over the years.
April 30, 1929 50 White Wyandotte chicks came today from Ada, Ohio in fine shape.
June 9, 1932 We got 115 Rhode Island red chickens today from Richfield, PA.
 May 7, 1964 Leland got the little chicks today. 215 Rhode Island Reds.
April 23, 1965 Put up the fence around the brooder house getting ready for little chicks in about 3 weeks.
April 24, 1965 Scrubbed out the brooder house this afternoon and put it in the enclosure for the chickens.
May 11, 1965 Setting up the brooder stove for little chicks. Started the fire in brooder house.
May 13, 1965 We got the little chicks today.
May 12, 1966 We got our baby chicks from Marshall Bros this morning, 200 pullets and 6 roosters
May 12, 1971 Started up the fire in the brooder house. Little chicks tomorrow.
May 13, 1971 Got 150 baby chicks, $60.00
May 15, 1975 Got the baby chicks today after dinner.
May 3, 1976 We worked at the brooder house and fixing the fence around the brooder house for chicks on the 13th.
May 5, 1976 Le scrubbed out the brooder house with lye.

Dewitt’s Diary Thursday, May 13, 1976
Temperature 40, clear, no frost as expected. Some West breeze, Southwest wind.
Le and Mom went after the baby chicks, 150 of them.

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