Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 18, 2016 Mayor Bill Larsen

The article in the Geneva Times on February 17, 1984, announced, “Interlaken Board Names New Mayor.” The previous evening the board had unanimously appointed 35-year-old William Larsen to become mayor for the 11 months remaining in the term of Thelma Peabody who had died the previous week.
Mayor Larsen would be re-elected and serve the village until May 18, 2016 when he died unexpectedly. Looking back at his career with the Village many events had taken place. Olde Home Day was revised, a new Memorial Garden was created and Bill and others built the entrance which was dedicated in 2007. As part of the Olde Home Day events, Bill could be found cooking at the Interlaken Community Action Group food booth.
Bill was a community oriented person. In 2004 when the Village was celebrating its centennial, Bill was recognized as Citizen of the Year. At the 2016 Olde Home Day event two tributes were read and presentations made to Bill’s family.
In remembering Bill as part of the Town’s Bicentennial I’d like to share again, the tribute from the Community Action Group.
Tribute to Bill Larsen 1948 - 2016
   The 2016 Citizen on the Year joins a long line of community members who have been recognized over the years. Many of them still serve the community in one way or another.
    In 2004 Interlaken celebrated its centennial and recognized as the Citizen of the Year Mayor Bill Larsen. A month ago, we lost this community leader; his leadership, inspiration, encouragement, and feistiness will be missed by many.
    Today we want to say thank you to Bill’s family for sharing him with us all these years. In designating a recipient for memorial gifts for Bill, the family encouraged donations to the Interlaken Community Action Group. In the coming months we will be making decisions on how those gifts should be allocated within the community.
   The first allocation was made to purchase a plaque to honor Bill.
  Pat, Carrie, and all of Bill’s family, we hope you will accept this small remembrance of Bill from all of us.
     When you recall Bill’s many contributions to Olde Home Day one item quickly comes to mind. The ICAG food tent and Bill’s wonderful food. Bill enjoyed interacting with people while cooking and serving potatoes, chicken, strawberry shortcake and, of course, his Pulled Pork Sandwiches.
Those words hold true today as we remember a man who loved God, family and community.
Dewitt’s Diary May 18, 1924 and May 18, 1972
Sunday, May 18, 1924 Partly cloudy and high south wind. We had a heavy shower at 3 o’clock. The Trumansburg high school was badly damaged by fire today. Fire started at 10:30.
Thursday, May 18, 1972
Temperature 48, ground fog and fair predicted for a change. Drawing out some manure from hen house this morning.
Leland began plowing sod this afternoon. I mowed up the front lawn late this afternoon. Lilacs are not out, it shows how back ward the season is.
Kidders Hotel burned tonight about 3 o’clock.
Bunny H. stopped to tell us about it. He has been our mail-man lately.

The last two lines were added the next day. Dewitt originally had “last night,” and later crossed that out and wrote tonight. A week later he taped into the diary the an article about the fire and history of the Coleman Hotel, known as O’Malley’s at the time of the fire.

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