Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9, 2007 Opening the Community Garden

When the old firehouse was torn down at the corner of Main Street and Railroad Avenue, discussions were held as to the future of the corner. In the end a Community Garden was planned and created.
Such an undertaking involves many people, and Ann Buddle in her article on the Community Garden lists many of those volunteers and the roles they played and continue to play in the garden.
As the planning, planting and construction of the gardens were being completed, an entry into the garden was also being planned.
Bill Larsen, with the help of others, built the Pagoda which fronts on the corner of the garden.
People passing by, on foot or in cars, could watch the simple entry being built.
June 9, 2007, Olde Home Day. The photos from the day show a sunny, warm June morning. At the appointed time, Bill made a few comments and cut the ribbon. People then entered the gardens to admire plantings, benches, and pathways.
Not a major date in the overall history of village or town, but one we are reminded of when we pass the garden or take time to stroll or sit and enjoy the peace and quiet of the surroundings.
For more about the Community Memorial Garden, please see Ann’s article in Covert Memories 1950-2015 by the Interlaken Historical Society, pages 173-175.

Dewitt’s Diary June 9, 1928-1932
Saturday, June 9, 1928 Harrowed this morning. Rain this afternoon and evening.
Sunday, June 9, 1929 Edna’s folks went home this morning. Warmer today. It has been cool this past week. Several light frosts in some places. We drove down along the lake this afternoon.
Monday, June 9, 1930 no entry
Tuesday, June 9, 1931 Leland finished his second year of school today. Some beans planted but most of them not planted yet. Too cold for beans and corn. [Leland most likely went to the one-room school near the corner of Bassette and Munson Roads.]
Thursday, June 9, 1932 Cold northwest wind for several days. Sweet corn up and not growing. We got 115 Rhode Island red chickens today from Richfield, Penn.

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