Monday, June 26, 2017

June 26, 1923 Another son born to Myron

In reading all of Dewitt’s diaries, and knowing the family history, I would be watching for his comments on births, marriages and deaths.
The diaries begin in 1919, the year Dewitt got married and took over the farm. By that time, his older brother Myron had been married for almost ten years and had four children.
The children of Myron and Maggie Filkins Bassette born before 1923 were: Arthur born in 1909, Mary born in 1911, James born in 1913 and Myron Jr. born in 1916.
The 1920 diary is not in the collection. It would be interesting to read for all the details of the first full year on the farm. It is also unfortunate as it probably included an entry in July when Myron’s daughter Mary died.
There will be other marriages and deaths recorded in the years to come, and a few of those will be included in these Snippets from the Past.

Dewitt’s Diary June 26, 1923
Francis is mowing on the pasture field this morning. I helped Edna wash.
Myron has a 10 ½  pound boy this morning. They were hoping for a girl.
High north west wind all night.

Franklin Bassette, Myron and Maggie's fifth child, was born on June 25, 1923.

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