Sunday, June 25, 2017

June 25, 1972 Aftermath of Hurricane Agnes in Pictures

Much has been, and could be, written about Hurricane Agnes. Dewitt’s impressions have been included in both the June 23 Goodman Hotel Snippet and the June 24 Stout Memorial Snippet.

Rather than write about the aftermath I’ve chosen to share pictures taken at Interlaken Beach, Kidders and Taughannock Creek. All photos were taken by Frank and Ann Bassette and kept with other family photos.

Interlaken Beach:
Interlaken Beach Road, wooden bridge over creek.
Ann Bassette standing in front of a cottage,
looking North, Interlaken Beach Road
Interlaken Beach Road

Debris on the beach from docks etc. Interlaken Beach Road.

Interlaken Beach Road.

Looking North from foot of Interlaken Beach Road

Interlaken Beach Road, boat hoist in the background.

 Boat House, Interlaken Beach Road.
Flagpole at Kidder's 
Taughannock Creek, this is of course very similar to recent photos

Taughannock Creek, above the falls.
Taughannock Creek, above the falls. 

Sunday, June 25, 1972
[Written by Edna, Dewitt’s wife]
Pete and Lem drove down this morning, going down to the lake to see the damage done by the storm.
Sun came out and not a bad day.
Took Dad [Dewitt] down to the hospital this afternoon for tests and X-rays. He hasn’t been feeling good for about four weeks.

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