Wednesday, June 28, 2017

June 28, 1975 Rod Serling

As I planned the various topics to be included in the Snippet from the Past blog, I wanted to include people as topics. For some their World War II stories are included, but I also wanted to highlight a few people who called the greater Interlaken community home. One name quickly came to mind.
For many years, before and since 1975, the Serling family has summered on Cayuga Lake. An appearance by Rod Serling in and around the village would be a thrill for many and, later, a fondly recalled memory.
Rather than attempt to write an article on this gentleman, I’ve chosen to provide a few of the many online links to articles about him, and his “Twilight Zone” series.

Did you know there are geocache links for him as well? These links bring people to the community. They are looking for the simple military headstone marking the grave of this famous gentleman. Visitors often leave little tokens as well.
Rod Serling's headstone, Lake View Cemetery, Interlaken
Author's photo collection.
Dewitt’s Diary, Sunday June 28, 1953
Temperature 65 clear. Very warm today. Raked up hay early this morning.
Went to the ball game this afternoon. Interlaken lost to Spencer.
Thunder showers this evening. Wet the hay.
Corn is growing fast, and will be almost knee high by the 4th of July. 

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