Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12, 2004 Celebrating the Centennial and Bicentennial

March 29, 1804, Seneca County was created from Cayuga County. On March 2, 1904, the Village of Interlaken was incorporated. These two events needed to be celebrated in 2004.
With 2004 on the horizon, those involved in planning for the County’s Bicentennial felt that smaller events would best serve the needs of all the towns, rather than a larger all day or multi-day event. After all, most of the towns already had a yearly festival or event when the bicentennial event could be incorporated.
March 29, 2004, was also celebrated with a Sunday afternoon event at the County Office building. There were displays by the historical societies and a historical contest. Members of the Interlaken Historical Society attended with books, display items and members in period attire.
Banner on the Seneca County Office Building.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection.
Portion of the display from the county celebration.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection.
Each of the four high schools selected a student to represent their school. Questions involving dates, people, and events were developed. At the end of game, Eric Hunt from South Seneca took home the high score.
History challenge, Seneca County celebration.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection. 
The Village had an open house in early March to recognize the centennial of the Village. The Historical Society shared items from the collection.
Olde Home Day was scheduled for June 12th. In addition to the bands, parade, vendors and great food, there were living history events to recall and show events from the past. Reynolds’ Battery, a Civil War reenactment group, was invited to attend, a fashion show was created for the 200 years, a steam engine, spinning demonstration and historical timeline were all items planned to highlight the event. The Historical Society also produced a Special Edition of the Newsletter.
Ladies fashions from the 1870s through the 1970s.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection.

Reynolds Battery cannon firing demonstration.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection. 

Spinning demonstration in the Farmers' Museum.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection.

Time line on the front lawn of the Farmer's Museum.
Civil War Medical Officer with his equipment on the left.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection.
Other pieces of the day included the honoring of the Citizen of the Year and the Citizen of the Century. Mayor Bill Larsen was named the Citizen of the Year, and the Interlaken Fire Department, past and present, were named the Citizens of the Century.
A quilt was created to honor and remember those who had been a part of the Village. As a lasting tribute, a postal cancellation was held.
As we continue celebrating the Town of Covert’s Bicentennial, some of those same events from Olde Home Day 2004 will be occurring on Saturday, July 29th. Music, living history, great food, and fun for the entire family will all be happening at the Interlaken Firemen’s Field at the corner of Mechanic and Knight Streets. Plan now to be part of the day. Free admission, free food and a chance to learn while enjoying the past.

Dewitt’s Diary Saturday June 12, 1954
Temperature 60 this morning.
I planted muskmelons and cucumbers and watermelons. It is plenty late.
Drove down to Lem’s this evening. We had heavy thunder showers and high winds this evening and tonight. ½ inch of water. 

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