Monday, October 30, 2017

October 30, 1951 First Meeting of Interlaken Historical Society

From an idea, to a gathering, to an organization that is a vital part of our community.
September 28, 1951 “A preliminary meeting was held at the residence of Mrs. Charles Wickes…Resolved, that the formation of an Historical Society in Interlaken is desirable.” [Page one of the first minute book of the Interlaken Historical Society]
“The next meeting was held Oct. 30, 1951 at 8 o’clock at the Legion Home on South Main Street. The meeting was opened by John Kellogg who read an article from the Rochester Historical Society book showing the value and aims of such a Society.”
After being elected Temporary Chairman, Myron Bassette “called for an expression of those present as to their desire for organization. It being favorable, Mr. Kellogg read the constitution and by-laws of the Rochester Society to suggest a pattern for the Interlaken Society.”
“Mr. H. P. Minor moved that we organize as Interlaken Historical Society. Motion seconded by Adrian Dickerson and carried.” [excerpts from pages 2 and 3 of the handwritten minutes of the Interlaken Historical Society]
For a detailed discussion of the Interlaken Historical Society’s history see Covert Memories 1950 to 2015. In honor of their 65th anniversary the society published this volume which includes the history of the community, families, businesses, organizations, agriculture, and government from the time the society was formed until 2015.
During this Town of Covert Bicentennial year the Historical Society has worked closely with the TOC200 committee to host three very successful events. In July the community celebrated the Bicentennial at the Summer Social. In September 200 Years of Transportation focused on the many different means of travel. Most recently the community celebrated our common history with an evening of Music and Dance.
Summer Social, July 29, 2017

Visitors lined up for free ice cream from Cayuga Lake Creamery
Reynolds' Battery 1st NY Light Artillery Demonstraion

Interlaken Fire Department Historical Display

Farmerville Union Lodge, Re-creation of 1900 School cornerstone ceremony

200 Years of Transportation September 9th. 

Enjoying the Saddle Display
Mural artist Mike Stiles (3rd from left) with TOC200 Committee members and local politicians
Erie Canal Cousins display
Flowers and the ever popular kids train
Barn Dance October 14, 2017

Great music and lots of dancers
Friendship and Fellowship, a trademark of any event.

Healthy snacks to go along with the music and enjoyment of the evening

Dewitt’s Diary, October 30, 1951 and 1952
Tuesday, October 30, 1951
Milder, temperature 50, south wind.
Borrowed Isaac Hill’s corn sheller and shelled some corn with the tractor.
Thursday, October 30, 1952
Mostly cloudy temperature 38 and Southwest wind. Fair and dry every day.
Many forest fires threaten the worst fire conditions ever throughout the nation as a whole.
Painting storm windows.

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