Friday, October 13, 2017

October 13, 1983 Railroad Depot Torn Down

A picture is often worth much more than words.
The November 23, 1983 Interlaken Review carried the photograph of the Lehigh Valley Railroad depot being torn down. The caption only noted “last month.” Wanting a better date, a check of the Village Board meeting minutes for October 13, 1983 noted, “Train depot has been torn down by N.Y.S.E.G.”
One view of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Station at Interlaken
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #1862
Originally built in 1910 and opened for service on June 13, 1910 (see Snippet) the building was closed in the 1960s. Note the horse and wagon on the right side.

Detail from a 1960s aerial view of Cayuga and Geneva Streets. The depot is in the lower left corner.
Interlaken Historical Society photo #2050.
 Today Pine Tree Farms has their parking lot where the depot was; the upper background is now Conifer Village at Interlaken.
Detail from Google Maps of the same area.
The cars at Pine Tree are on the remaining concrete from the train station.
The driveway on the upper right goes into Conifer Village at Interlaken.

And in the end, a pile of rubble and the memories of generations who traveled from Interlaken to other places.
The ends of the station came down first, then the rest of the building.
Interlaken Historical Society photo #2325,
part of the community photos donated by the Ulysses Historical Society

Dewitt's Diary, Sunday, October 13, 1968
Temperature 47, clear.
Sorted up some potatoes.
Many geese flying. The goose hunters are chasing them.
Jack and Eva came up for dinner and the afternoon.
A fine summer day. Temperature 75 in the sun. Trees are showing a little color.
Le mowed over the back lawn.
Gray squirrels are very thick. See them in the yard everyday. 

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