Thursday, October 12, 2017

October 12, 1905 Charter Granted to Interlaken Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star

Original chater granted to Interlaken Chapter #335, Order of the Eastern Star
Photo by the author
November 21, 1905 Interlaken Review, “Nearly 175 Eastern Star ladies and Master Masons assembled Tuesday evening, November 21, 1905, to witness… the presentation of their Charter, No. 335.”

The charter was granted on October 12, 1905, by the Grand Chapter of the State of New York. The November ceremony featured the second installation of officers by the District Officers.
This snippet actually begins in the earlier part of the century, “for several years past an effort has been making among the members of Farmerville lodge, No. 183, and their ladies to get an Order of Eastern Star established in our village.” [Interlaken Review, October 28, 1904].
The article continued, “On Wednesday evening last these long-cherished hopes were realized, the petition of the necessary 20 eligible ladies and 10 members of the Masonic fraternity having been rewarded by a dispensation…Mrs. Sarah Horner…instituted Interlaken Chapter.”
As part of the evening the first installation of officers was held, including Mrs. C. F. Leonard as worthy matron, and John B. Moore, worthy patron. The article lists all the officers.
Interlaken Chapter #335 has continued to meet in the Chapter rooms on Main Street Interlaken. In 1988 with declining memberships in the local chapters, Lodi Chapter #200, and Interlaken Chapter #335 petitioned Grand Chapter to form a new chapter, South Seneca Chapter #200.
Charter for South Seneca Chapter #200, Order of the Eastern Star
Photo by the author
Dewitt’s Diary, Monday, October 12, 1970
Temperature 60, foggy but stars out. The stones are wet from the light mist of last evening. Cloudy after daylight and we had a very sour day.
Mom and Le washed.
I sorted up some potatoes.
Drove to Ovid and paid G. Lynn for pipe we put in to the barn for running water.
Rain some this evening.
A thunder shower this evening while we caught some old hens to go later tonight. Selling off the old hens for 70 cents each. Getting a dozen pullet eggs now. 

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