Monday, August 7, 2017

August 7, 1820 Covert Residents Listed in Census

Beginning in 1790 an enumeration of persons living in the United States was taken every 10 years.
In 1790 the area that would become the Town of Covert was part of the Town of Ovid, then in Montgomery County. In 1800, residents were still in the town of Ovid but now in Cayuga County. For those researching families these changes need to be known.
In 1810 the Town of Ovid is now in Seneca County. A much larger Seneca county than is known today. Ulysses (which includes present day Ithaca and Enfield) as well as the town of Hector and areas to the north in present day Wayne county were included.
The Town of Covert was created in March 1817, as a part of Tompkins County, and then returned to Seneca County in 1819.
As noted earlier this year, the Town of Covert stretched from Cayuga Lake to Seneca Lake, with Route 96A as the northern border. It wouldn’t be until the 1850 census that the current boundaries of the town were used for a census.
The 1820 census listed the name of the head of household and had numbers of males and females in various age groups.
Detail from the 1820 Town of Covert census.

Looking at Erastus Woodworth (second line in the above copy), his household consisted of 2 males under age 10, 1 male 10 to 16, one male 16 to 26, and 1 male, likely Erastus, over 45. There were five females in the household. One age 10 to 16, three age 16 to 26 and one 26 to 45. It is unknown if they were his wife and children or if there were servants, siblings or boarders in that group.
While none are shown in Erastus’ household, there was a column for males 16 to18.
The census takers had 13 months in which to gather the data for their area. They began on August 2, 1820, and the data was to reflect that date.
The 1830 and 1840 census is similar but with more age breakdowns. Additionally, there are fewer homes in the town of Covert as the Town of Lodi had been separated from Covert in 1826.
In 1850 not only is the entire town of Covert as we know it shown, but names are provided for each person in the household.

Dewitt’s Diary August 7, 1949 and 1950
Sunday August 7, 1949
Temperature 64 early. Hot and dry again.
Went to ball game this afternoon. Lodi 10, Interlaken 5 first game. Interlaken 10 Lodi 2 second game.
Crops are wilting every day. Went down to see mother this morning.
Monday, August 7, 1950
Clear and cool temperature 52 this morning.
Had the beans dusted this morning with a plane.
Tried the perch and bass fishing with C. Pell and D. Hiltbrand to Elm Beach. I caught two bass.
Plenty of dead bean beetles tonight under the beans.
Americans are on the offensive in Korea. 

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