Sunday, August 6, 2017

August 6, 1924 The New Fire Truck

This is another “then and now” type article. The then is from 1924; the now is a work in process. I was asked to research the purchase of a fire truck in 1924. The request was to assist the department in the restoration of the truck, now out of storage and awaiting the needed work.
March 24, 1924, Village Board meeting minutes, “On motion made and duly supported and carried that L P Detro be appointed a committee of one to contract for chassis for Fireman not to exceed three hundred ninety dollars ($390.00).”
On April 4, 1924, the Interlaken Review had an article praising the village board. “The village trustees have made a wise move in buying a Ford ton truck chassis from N. R. Boyes & Son, which will have a body added built purposely to carry fire hose, and which will replace the old Chase truck that has been used for several years.”
Among the records at the Historical Society are the oldest minutes for the Fire Department. April 25, 1924 “Committee on hose chassis body reports that he is not ready to report at this time.”
Fire Department minutes May __, 1924, “com[mittee] on Hose Body reports that bids for same have been rec’d and under consideration, and specifications ready to submit to bidder and contract to let in few days, same to be completed within 60 days from date of contract.”
July 25, 1924 “Report committee on siren whistle for new hose wagon reports whistle rec’d and ready for installation.”
The minutes for August 30, 1924 “Bill of Joe Depard for shop work for building hose wagon body $16.00. On motion made and duly supported bill was ordered paid.” “Committee on siren horn reports horn installed and satisfactory.”
It was a few lines later that in the officer reports, “Foreman Donnelson reports new hose wagon received on August 6th, accepted and loaded and turned over to Dept.”
The April 4, 1924 Interlaken Review article also noted, “This [new truck] is a much-needed addition to the fire department and places our equipment in the front rank ready for instant use at home, and where the Interlaken Fire Department can soon be of assistance to neighboring villages whenever their services may be needed.”

Fast forward to 2016, the old truck, now in parts and pieces is retrieved from a barn where it had sat for many years. The current department personnel moved it to a location where they could begin the process of restoring the truck. The work continues, and at some point, the refurbished truck will again be on display, though not in use.
1924 Truck being transported to work area.
Photo provided by Chief Jim Borden

1924 Truck being loaded for transport to work area
Photo provided by Chief Jim Borden

1924 Truck view of the passenger side.
Photo provided by Chief Jim Borden

1924 Truck driver's side with Jim Wyckoff and Matt Barkee.
Photo provided by Chief Jim Borden

Dewitt’s Diary, Wednesday, August 6, 1924
We drew in 4 load of wheat this afternoon.
It rained this morning about 4 o’clock so we could not thrash today.

You can help with the restoration, attend the 2017 Car Show on Sunday, August 13, 2017. Vintage cars and trucks, vendors and of course the Bar-B-Q at noon. (Click here to read about the Fire Department Bar-B-Qs March 24)

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