Wednesday, August 16, 2017

August 16, 1950 Telephone Building Torn Dow

Among the many photos in the Historical Society collection are several of the original telephone company building.
Shown below is one that gives us today’s snippet date. John Kellogg, one of the founders, noted on the photo both the date when it was taken, and the date the building was torn down.
Telephone Company Building
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #501
Another view of the old telephone company building, note the truck in the driveway
on the left side of the photo, and the Lakes Theater building and WWII service board on the right side.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #738.
The front page of the Friday, August 18, 1950 issue of the Interlaken Review had an article by Nellie Bradley. She listed the owners, mostly family members, of the building, as well as details about the beginnings of the telephone company.
Among the earliest owners were the Pecks who had a grocery store in the south side (left side in the photos). Then on “April 2, 1881, the place was bought by my grandmother, Deborah Symonds, and from that time until its sale to Mr. Griswold, in 1946, was owned by my family.” Deborah Symonds had been the first operator for the phone company. [See Snippet January 15]
Nellie describes the fire of 1880, “which started next door south, where the Masonic building now stands. My grandmother’s family were especially lucky, as the fire swept everything south…”
As with many buildings, we can echo Nelle’s thoughts, “I have many fond memories of the old place where my brothers and I were born, but it has served its time and the village has great need of the larger building, which is to be constructed.”
The new telephone company building, June 1955
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #1471
After the building was torn down, the Trumansburg Telephone Company built the front part of the current structure. Many recall stopping in to pay their phone bill, use the phone booths along the front wall, or just for a brief visit.
While part of the building continued in use for the phone company, the front office became storage for older equipment.
In 2008 the telephone company agreed to lease part of the building to the Interlaken Historical Society for display, work and storage rooms. The efforts of many people saw the transformation to the current space.
Spring 2008, installing the handicapped ramp.
Interlaken Historical Society Collection

Interior work, creating display and storage spaces.
Interlaken Historical Society collection.
June 14, 2008, Ray Langlois, Allan Buddle and Mike Reynolds opening the museum.
Interlaken Historical Society collection.

Summer 2008 Wall of photos: "Celebration Events"
Interlaken Historical Society collection
Summer 2008 Civil War display
Interlaken Historical Society collection.

 Stop in the museum on a Saturday in July or August, or contact us and we would be happy to meet you there for a private tour or for research.

Dewitt’s Diary August 16, 1949, 1950
Tuesday, August 16, 1949
Clear this morning, south wind.
Began plowing on another piece of oats ground [it will be used] for wheat.
Edna went down to Mothers. We all went down to mother's tonight. Flowers almost filled the room for mother. Mother was the oldest member on the Reform church books. [Dewitt's mother, Mary Catherine Peterson Bassette died August 15, 1949]
Wednesday, August 16, 1950
Much warmer today. Scything and mowing the roadside this morning.
Got some minnows this afternoon.
Had a thunder shower this afternoon. Rained about fifteen minutes and we needed it bad.
Went to ball game between Ithaca and Watkins played here. Ithaca won 4 to 0. End of the regular Cayuga League season except the play off. 

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