Sunday, March 5, 2017

March 5, 1971 Getting out of town

Dewitt Diary, Friday March 5, 1971

Temperature 24, clear, wind blowing some.

We shoveled some more snow from the house roof. Most schools were closed. Very few roads are open.

Clipped the bills on the chickens.

About 3:30 Pete and Marian called from Waterloo that they were coming after Leland to go to Florida so Le got ready, and he went up to the corner on D. Parson’s snowmobile. I walked with his suitcase and other things on sled.

Snow became sticky this afternoon.

Our road is not open yet tonight. Ithaca reported 22 inches of snow. Temperature 30 tonight.

The snow in the yard around the barn is piled up the worst in years.

Have a ski track to the road that we walk in.

Some fields are blown almost bare by the fierce wind of yesterday.

Many main roads not open tonight. 

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