Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 28, 1831 Dedication of the Reformed Church Building

An article in the Farmer Village Review, April 19, 1890 provides one “historical sketch of the Reformed Church Society of Farmer Village.” The original was “read at the dedication of the Church Parlors, January 6, 1890, by E. E. Tunison."
Interlaken Reformed Church, circa 1900
Print from a glass plate negative
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #1226
In discussing the early membership and building, Mr. Tunison noted, “Such of our records as have been preserved contain very little in regard to the building of the first house, but from reliable sources I have gleaned these facts: …Dr. Brown donated to the society the lot on which it was built, and this house in which we meet to-night is the first house with such additions as have been made hereto, and such remodelings as it has sustained.”
He then describes that first building, “it was 40 by 51 feet, with galleries extending along the north, east and south sides of the auditorium, the pulpit being located in the west end of the auditorium.”
In noting the early use of church building, “Services were held in it long before its completion; the Lord’s supper having been administered therein March 20, 1831, six month[s] before its dedication.” On August 11, 1831 Rev. Oscar H. Gregory was installed as the first pastor.
The building was begun in 1829, and on September 28, 1831 it was dedicated. Rev. J. F. Shermerhorn delivered the dedicatory sermon, “Hitherto has the Lord helped us.”
The 1890 article continues with information on the pastors who followed Rev. Gregory, and the building expansions that took place over the years.
Rev. Gregory was invited to be the dedicatory speaker on September 6, 1857 following significant repairs and extensions to the church. His sermon was later reprinted in a small book entitled, “The Glory of God’s House.” A copy of that booklet is in the collection of the Interlaken Historical Society.
Cover, O. H. Gregory's dedicatory sermon 1857
Interlaken Historical Society Collection item 1983-107

Title page from the sermon book noted above.

Rev. Gregory, in his preface note wrote, “This discourse was not written with a view of publication, but composed in haste amid many pressing cares; and the author consents to it now, principally to gratify those among whom he labored so pleasantly for seven years.”
In the nearly 38 pages that follow that introduction, Rev. Gregory used Haggai ii, vs 3 for his text, “Who is left among you that saw this house in her first glory? And how do you see it now?”
Rather than quote more from Mr. Tunison’s article, it is reprinted here.
For additional information on the Interlaken Reformed Church, its history and buildings, please see the two volumes of the church history.

Dewitt’s Diary, September 28, 1929-1932
Saturday, September 28, 1929 The weather is very warm today. I set up some of my field corn today. Went up and got some minnows for fishing to George T’s tonight. Drove to town tonight.
Sunday, September 28, 1930 I went fishing today. Caught a big bass 3 ¼ pounds. Also a small pike, the first one I ever saw. Caught him in front of the Cayuga Lake house old dock. Cool without wind today.
Monday, September 28, 1931 Planted the bean ground to wheat today. Cold with wind today.
Wednesday, September 28, 1932 Ground is getting a little rain today.

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