Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1, 1936 Starting School

Dewitt’s Diary for September 1, 1936 is very brief, but the sentiment expressed is one most parents can understand. It was the start of school. For Dewitt’s daughter Catherine, a very significant day. She was starting school, and at the new school in town.
Dewitt, his brothers Myron, Lemuel, and Pete had all gone to school up the road from the homestead. Son Leland would have started his schooling at the same place.
Under the headline “Interlaken Central School To Open Term Sept. 1st” the August 28, 1936, Interlaken Review noted the opening of the new school term and the list of teachers and administrators.
As you look through the list, depending on your age or length of stay in the area, many of the names will be familiar. A few were still at the school in the 1960s and early 1970s when I went to school, others were names familiar for their legacy in the community.
The faculty for the coming school year will be as follows:
D. P. Norton, Principal
Helen H. Currier, Vice Principal, English
Maurice L. Patterson, Mathematics and Science
Catherine Bassett, Latin and French
Sybil E. Adsit, Homemaking
Arthur H. Brokaw, Agriculture
Eva B. Dowers, Librarian
Eva Krutenat, Music and Drawing
Ruth Dence, Commercial
Russell Herrick, Physical Director
Pearl VanDusen, Junior High School, English and Mathematics
Grace Hiltbrand, Junior High School, Social Science
Elizabeth Hewlett, Sixth Grade
Martha Goodwin, Fifth Grade
Helen Tobey, Fourth Grade [most of us knew her as Mrs. Burr, and was our introduction to school as our kindergarten teacher.]
Phyllis Furbeck, Third Grade
Marian Hill, Second Grade
Harriet VanNostrand, First Grade
Sheldrake District—Bertha Munson
Ovid Center District—Gertrude Limner
It is interesting to note that while most of the local students would be attending the recently opened consolidated school building on Main Street in Interlaken there were still two rural schools in the district which remained open.

Dewitt’s Diary, Tuesday, September 1, 1936

Catherine started her first day of school in town today. She is six years old. (No weather)

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