Sunday, July 23, 2017

July 23, 1887 First Issue of the Saturday Morning Review

Many local people received the local newspaper on Saturday, July 23, 1887. A few copies of that original survive and the Interlaken Historical Society has one copy.
Thomas P. Hause, editor and owner had served as an apprentice in the Ovid Independent office. In the first issue of the Saturday Morning Review he included a short piece from the June 8, 1887 issue of the Ovid paper.
“…will commence the publication of a seven-column folio paper at Farmer Village about the middle of July…Mr. H. is a good printer, and will get out a paper which the people of our enterprising sister village will take pride in sustaining. We wish Mr. Hause and his venture the utmost success and prosperity.” That first issue was prepared at “his office and residence in the house opposite the Reformed church.”
The following week two other nearby newspapers sent compliments which the Review shared.
By the Trumansburg Sentinel, “The first number of the Farmer Village Review appeared Saturday. It is neatly arranged and well printed, and well edited. Mr. Hause is evidently going to give the Farmer Villagers a good newspaper. Will they support it?”
From the Waterloo Observer, “It opens well and is not to be sneezed at. Editor Hause has an army of county correspondents already.”
T. P. Hause would continue to provide not only news but leadership within the community for many years to come. On July 1, 1904 after several other name changes, the paper became the Interlaken Review, and so it has remained. 
T. P. Hause would continue “to own and publish it until his death in 1929.” At that time, “Fred Blauvelt, an employee of Mr. Hause, bought the newspaper…publishing it for 17 years.” Geneva Daily Times, August 18, 1955
The notes about Mr. Hause and Mr. Blauvelt were part of the announcement of the fourth owners of the Interlaken Review, Duane and Wanda Waid. The article noted that Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Dickerson had owned and published the paper for the past 10 years.
Almost 20 years later the Waids sold the now expanded newspaper to Paul Dickinson. (Interlaken Review February 13, 1975) The sale included the Ovid Gazette and Trumansburg Free Press which Duane and Wanda had purchased over the years. Like their predecessors at the newspaper office, Duane and Wanda were, and still are, very involved in our community.
Today the Interlaken Review and its companion weekly papers are owned by Finger Lakes Community Newspapers.
Dewitt’s Diary, July 23, 1937…1940
Friday, July 23, 1937 We finished cutting winter wheat today. I caught a mess of perch and rock bass tonight.
Saturday, July 23, 1938 Rain early this morning. Showers around us but not much rain here. I mowed the orchard and cut some other weeds around the wheat field.
Sunday, July 23, 1939 Layed around home all day and watched everything wilt from the drought. I went to the lake a little while tonight. Reported drought reaching into Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

Tuesday, July 24, 1940 Drew in two load of hay and then a shower. Went fishing, got some nice perch. Warm today.

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