Tuesday, July 11, 2017

July 11, 1977 The Cemetery Lots

 In 1817 Lemuel Bassett brought his bride, Julia Beardsley Bassett, to Seneca County and made their home on the east side of Bassette Road, then a part of the Town of Ovid. In 1843 that road along with others were annexed to the Town of Covert.
Lemuel and Julia had seven children, Pierpont (1818 -- 1881), Marietta (1819—1897), Bennett (1822 -- 1892), Jared (1824—1894), Sarah (18271907), Eliza (1833—1907), and Samuel (1836—1865). All are buried at Lake View Cemetery.
Dewitt’s parents were Dewitt and Mary Catherine [Peterson] Bassette who are buried on Jared’s family lot. 
Mary C and Dewitt C. Bassette to the left of the Jared and Mary Bassette monument.
Photo from the author's collection
For several days before July 11th, Dewitt had recorded the declining health of his sister-in-law Alice R. Burlingame, wife of Lemuel. He noted that she died in Rochester on the 10th.
Alice R [1908--1977] and Lemuel J. Bassett [1901--1982]
Photo from the author's collection
 The use of the final 'e' on the Bassette name varied within each family group. Dewitt and Myron used the 'e' whereas Lemuel and Pete left it off. 

Dewitt’s Diary, Monday, July 11, 1977
Temperature 60.
Went to cemetery to see about a burial lot for Alice. Lem and my lot will be very near Lemuel B. our great-grandfather who was buried in 1874.
Lots left to Lem and I in 1927.

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