Historical Society newsletter, Volume 1, Number 1, postmarked at Interlaken on
January 22, 1975. Pat Patterson, with the help of others, especially Betty
Ferrand, produced that first newsletter after attending a Regional Historians
At that time the
membership was 31 members. A number of other people, societies, and libraries
also received copies.
The front page
included articles entitled “First Newsletter,” “A Mini History,” “Recent Acquisitions,” and “The President’s Report from 1974.”
The newsletter was created with mimeograph stencils and the copies run at the
Interlaken Reformed Church.
Over the years
the style of the newsletter has changed as well as production methods. The
letter sized mimeographed pages gave way to letter-sized printed pages created
on the computer and then to the legal-sized booklet style now produced.
What has not
changed, is the content of the Newsletter. There is still a
president’s report, information on upcoming meetings and events, news from the
Library, recent acquisitions, new members and historical features.
Several people
have kept all of their copies of the newsletter, and the Interlaken Historical
Society has a complete collection on file for people who want to do some
In 1994 Mr.
Patterson suggested that the first 20 years be indexed and bound. Two volumes
were created of ten years each with the index and are in the Hinman Library
research room.
Click here to
see the first page of Volume 1, Number 1.
Dewitt’s Diary: Wednesday, January 22, 1975
Temperature 31
cloudy and north wind.
We worked at big
elm up by the spring. Cut limb off from old walnut tree below the spring. The
old tree shows few bad limbs but is quite hollow but seems that is changed
little since I was young.
It stands by the
creek on west side of field above the orchard. Had plenty of nuts on it last
fall. Many walnut trees on south side of creek now below the spring, many in
old peach orchard, 6” to a foot in diameter.
Some snow fell
but little amount. No sun, temperature 10 tonight.
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