Friday, January 13, 2017

January 13, 1983 What Date Shall We Use? The New Firehouse

One of the challenges in preparing close to 200 snippet items for a one-year period is to find a date for each item. Such is the case of the new fire house, or should I say, when the equipment was moved to the new fire house on South Main Street.

If you have ever read the older issues of the Interlaken Review, you could often find a date based on the issue date and the comment, “…such and such happened last Friday.” By working back from the issue date, you knew that “last Friday” was the 29th or whatever date it might be. By the 1980s and well before then, the paper didn’t have those detailed comments, and Facebook wasn’t around to have selfies and play-by-play postings.

An Interlaken Review article dated June 23, 1982, written by Valerie Bassett describes the “corner-stone dedication last Thursday night [June 16th].” Rather than a cornerstone to be placed and dedicated the evening was “a time to thank all of the people who have stood by the project all these years.” At that time the hope was to be in the new fire house within four months. 

As is often the case with construction projects, the four months became six months. At the January 13, 1983, Village of Interlaken Board meeting the following was reported by then Village Trustee William Larsen.
FIRE AND POLICE Fire House is nearly completed and vehicles have been moved to new location. Charles Franzese from Hunt's explained liquidation damages would be assessed to the General Contractor including the cost of fuel oil needed for old firehouse due to delay in completion of the project. Larsen moved to approve change orders with an increase of $394.14 in the General Contract and an increase of $497.46 in the Plumbing Contract. Second by Bassette and carried.
Franzese suggested the Village retain $600 from the plumbing contract until shoulder of road is repaired to meet DOT standards.

As I looked at my list of dates and topics, June was filling up; but January didn’t have as many articles. Even without a true date for the move, we did have a date when the move was recorded in the Village Minutes. That would work for a “Snippet from the Past” date.

The 1983 Fire House was the third home to the Department. The first fire house was located at 8377 Main Street, later the law offices of Victor Mount, and today a private residence. What was the door to the truck bay now has a double window in it.
Interlaken Fire Department in front of the
first fire house 8377 Main Street. 

The second fire house, and one many recall, is now gone. It was at the corner of Railroad Avenue and Main Street. Originally it had one truck bay door, then sometime after 1944 the front wall was remodeled to allow two truck bay doors.

1944 Christmas photo greeting by Elizabeth Egan, I H S collection item


Fire house with two bay doors, June 1954
Interlaken Historical Society photo #1480
After those early fire houses, what were the features of the new building? Among the speakers at that June 1982 event, several comments about the new building were noted.
Mayor Thelma Peabody noted that the new building would be more cost effective. “The old firehouse was very costly to heat, even to a minimum temperature."  As for the cramped nature of the in-town location, she noted "The village owns the three-and-a-half acres around the building.” Fire Chief Leon Stannard commented on the five-bays and a more efficient set-up.

Photo from an American Legion Auxiliary Birthday Calendar
Collection of the Interlaken Historical Society 
Do you know the date when the equipment was moved? Or a memory of the old fire house? Click the comments line below to submit items and, once reviewed, they will be shared.

Click here to read the complete Interlaken Review June 23, 1982 article, and to see the January 13, 1983 board meeting minutes. 

Dewitt's Diary Wednesday, January 13, 1926 
4 below zero this morning. Bred Mully cow today. Hens laid 23 eggs.

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