Saturday, May 6, 2017

May 6, 1935 Cornerstone for the New Central School

Interlaken Review, May 10, 1935, “Large Crowd Attends Cornerstone Exercises.” After discussions on a site for the new Central School building, planning, voting on the funding, and getting the shovels in the ground, the day had arrived to celebrate the beginning. Unlike the 1900 school cornerstone event (coming June 27, 1900) this event was smaller, but had the same sense of accomplishment.
“A large group of people assembled at the new school site on North Main Street, Monday afternoon, to witness the ceremony of laying the cornerstone of the Central School building now being erected to provide improved school facilities for the children of the central district.”
The day’s events began with a parade of 300 school children, led by the Interlaken Central School Band. This most likely was a short parade as the school building was across Main Street and north three buildings.
Included in the speakers were Principal D. P. Norton, Mernette L. Chapman, Superintendent of Schools, Duane S. Lyman, Architect, Maurice Rowley, General Contractor, and James A. Harris, State Department of Education.
The Hon. Leon S. Church, President of the Interlaken Central School Board presided over the “laying of the Cornerstone.”
The three local clergy also participated: Rev. R. D. VanWagenen of the Reformed Church, G. Stuart Hogan, Pastor of St. Francis Church, and Rev. George K. Hamilton, Pastor at the Baptist Church.
The May 3, 1935 High School Notes in the Interlaken Review, noted the selection of Marjorie Wilcox and William Stout to participate, but did not include what they would be doing. Miss Wilcox read the history of the school houses in Interlaken, while Mr. Stout read the list of items to be included in the cornerstone.
The Interlaken Historical Society has three pictures from that time period. Two of the cornerstone event and one of the ground work for the new building. 
The new school sits well back from Main Street, as such, work was started before the two houses or their out-buildings were torn down or moved away. The building on the upper left is one of the buildings which would be moved Summer 1935.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #1484.

Professor Norton and others at the dedication.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #1486
Professor Norton and the cornerstone.
Interlaken Historical Society photo collection #2123

The Cornerstone is behind a bush on the front corner of the school, closest to the driveway. I’d like to thank Doris Jennings and the school administration for allowing me to go behind the bush and take this picture during Spring Break.

Dewitt’s Diary, Tuesday May 6, 1930
A fine baby girl Catherine Ada Bassette was born today at 1:30 to Edna and I. Dr. Swift and Mrs. McEvoy are attending her. Edna was very sick but is feeling better tonight.  (No weather data recorded)
Monday, May 6, 1935
Strong south wind and rain this afternoon. Edna is coming home tomorrow. Thermometer was 35 and a good frost this morning. 

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