Saturday, March 4, 2017

March 4, 1953 Thinning Out the Windbreak

 Dewitt’s Diary March 4, 1953

Wind back in the north this morning. Temperature 54 early.

Cutting the wood for filling the wood shed soon. 

Saw another robin by the house this Morning.

We cut every other tree in windbreak row next to house. They are crowding each other too much.

I planted them in 1927 and they are 12 inches in diameter. It is a fine windbreak.

Temperature 35 tonight and getting some colder.

Undated photo of Dewitt's home with the windbreak in the background.
Interlaken Historical Society Collection, papers of the Dewitt C. Bassette Jr. 

Tuesday, April 19, 1927
We set 50 Norway Spruce trees north of the house for a windbreak today.
We made a new board gate this afternoon.

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