Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 28, 2016 Why one more blog?

2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the Town of Covert. In recognition of that event, and my own love of history, I’ve prepared a series of articles or snippet items to highlight people, places and events within the community that have happened throughout the 200 years. Some of these are easily recognized; I’m hoping others will be a new bit of history for you to enjoy.

The Interlaken Historical Society has been preserving the history of our area for over 65 years. The collection includes many artifacts, archival items, photographs, and collections of published articles. In preparing this series I’ve culled through old Historical Society Newsletters, newspaper articles and interesting artifacts. I’ve also looked through the photographs and tried to select photos that enhance the snippet item.

While my original idea had been 365 snippet items I quickly realized that was neither practical nor productive. Instead I’ve tried to create three or four snippet items per week, with the goal of having 200 by the end of December 2017.

In addition to the snippet items, I’ve also drawn from the diaries kept by Dewitt C. Bassett Jr. from 1919 until 1981. As a farmer the weather was a major factor in the daily life of his family. Most of his entries include a weather notation, or its outcome. At the end of each snippet, you will find items from Dewitt’s Diaries. A few of the snippet items are mainly Dewitt's writings with a few additional notes.

As the idea for the blog was developing and dates and events being researched, the need for a title became an issue. It needed to be something easy to remember and give an idea of what was to be included. After trying a number of titles, all of them already in use, and discarding those that might use “Covert” as part of the title I realized that what I was creating were little snippets of history. “Snippets From the Past” was already taken; but each day is only one snippet, so why not use “Snippet From the Past?” Yes, a title for the blog was found and grabbed.

Why not “Covert” in the title? If you have ever done a search for “Covert” on E-bay, Google or other “search engines” you can understand why “Covert” was discarded. We know it as a family name, a place where many of us live, or a connection from the past. To the vast majority of people its meaning as undercover, secret, clandestine etc. would not recommend it in a title.

This is my own personal project, not part of the Interlaken Historical Society or the Town of Covert Bi-Centennial events, although both are a strong part of the project. One goal that I have had for all the various community newsletters, genealogies and books that I’ve worked on, has been to reflect the whole of the community, not just focusing on the I, me, mine. Yes, my family and events are reflected in some of the articles, but the focus is not just on the Bassette lines or events.

Please enjoy the Snippet items, share with friends, or post a comment in reply to what I’ve shared. In the end, we will all gain something new as we celebrate the community events honoring this Anniversary year in our Town of Covert History.

As with other projects this too is dedicated to those who follow after us, our children and grandchildren, that they may have an interest in history as well.

Dewitt's Diary Wednesday December 28, 1966 [50 years ago]
Temperature 17 Mostly clear at 6 o’clock.  A little new snow on the stones. More storm coming predicted by tonight from the west. Working at the beans. Ran some more over the fanning mill. Birds at the bird feeder hungry. The titmouse is still at the feeder.

Picking [over] beans this afternoon. Put the Christmas tree on the south porch. Getting some warmer this evening, temperature 24, strong south wind. A little rain on the window at bed time. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear Diane,
    Great idea, I look forward to reading all of it!
